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various SERVICES for jobseekers

Register Yourself

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Various Walk-in interviews are available in our portal. We notify our members everyday about Walk-in interviews.

Career Assessment

Right jobs are not clicking? To know the truth go for our easy, scientific Career Assessment Test

Resume Service

Not getting interview calls? Let our CV writers and editors provide you an Professional and Eye-catching Curriculum Vita


Comprehensive Career Assessment

In order to move forward, you must take a few steps back and reflect on who you are now and determine where you want to go. This includes an in-depth analysis of life history, personal barriers, personality style, values, interests, skills.

Psychometric Test for Personality Typing and Career Mapping

This Test is intuitive, and is based on sound scientific methods which allow our Career Consultants to give students and professionals a pertinent career advice. Discover a new level of personal insight with this detailed assessment and personality mapping.

parent guidance

Since we provide services from the Age Group of 14 till the Professional level, we have found that in most of the cases, till the Graduation level, parents play the most important roll to decide the Careers on behalf of the Students. In today’s world the system is changing rapidly and many a times parents feel helpless without being updating themselves with today’s Generation Y. We provide not only the knowledge of present but the upcoming changes as well. Accordingly parents can set the mental preparation and don’t feel odd when the situation demands. We provide the Unique Service -“Parent Guidance” so that they make informed decisions which are best for a student’s future


The old-school resume does not work in today’s market. We have the latest knowledge of what it takes to make your resume stand out with recruiters and applicant tracking systems. We make your resume sing.

Job Search Correspondence

It’s a strategy we love to teach so that you can take charge of your search. We teach you how to create a targeted approach so you can access the side door to the hidden job market. Let us help you find the critical information you need to expand your job search prospects.

other services

  • Relevant Information On Demand
  • Aptitude Assessment
  • Admission Advice
  • Guidance on Self-Employment
  • Scholarship Program Guidelines
  • Interview Preparation

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